Happy April & Autism Awareness Month in Park Ridge IL
Happy April & Autism Awareness Month In Park Ridge IL

We’re spending the month of April raising awareness, promoting acceptance, and supporting those living on the autism spectrum! We’re also raising funds for a local family, highlighting our Chiro Twins of the Month, and more!
Around the Office! Check Out the Latest News
Support for #ToughLikeTay

SLC offers our support to Taylor, a local Edison Park resident, mother of three, and Chicago Police Officer. In February 2024, Taylor got news no one should ever receive. A tumor in her breast that had metastasized into cancer, that spread to her pelvic bone, spine, lymph nodes and liver, with her official diagnosis being Stage 4 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.
There is a long road ahead for her and Silver Lining Chiropractic would like to help by raising funds through our office for her and her family. All proceeds at the end of April will go to #ToughlikeTay. Feel free to stop by the office to donate or you can Venmo @silverliningchiro and the proceeds go directly to this beautiful family.
Meet Our Chiro TWINS of the Month!

Meet our Chiro TWINS of the Month, Vivianna and Evelise!! Not only have they been doing great under neurologically-based chiropractic care, but they had a birthday this month! We are so excited to see what your futures hold and love seeing them when they come into the office!
Save the Date! Our Second Annual Vendor Fair

Mark your calendars! We set the date for our Annual Vendor Fair for Friday, May 17th from 6:00-9:00pm! This year, we have 10 small local businesses joining us ranging from Mexican coffee, kombucha, and custom cookies, to oils, candles, and accessories!
Don’t miss out on this unforgettable evening supporting small businesses! We’ll have snacks, a raffle, and more! Can’t wait to see you there!
Practice Member Highlight: Meet Joe

Meet our boy, Joe! His powerhouse of a family, went all in on getting all the care he needs to progress over the last couple of years since learning more and more about Autism.
Mom and Dad said, “We are Joe’s voice. We strive to find the best all-natural care for him. We found Silver Lining through family, and it’s been the best decision for us.”
The biggest impact they’ve seen since starting Neurologically-Focused Chiropractic is how Joe is much more calm and relaxed. They were previously at another chiropractic office that Joe didn’t like, and were amazed to see how comfortable he was at SLC even at his FIRST adjustment!
Joe is so sweet and intelligent- we can’t wait to see his bright future ahead!
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 11:00am
Saturday & Sunday
Silver Lining Chiropractic
1036 W Higgins Rd Suite C
Park Ridge, IL 60068